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Missed registration or want to add a 2nd class?

Please check the Open Course List located under the Quarterly Schedule section to see what courses still have openings. Contact the instructor directly to be added before day 1. If a course is not listed there is no space available but you are welcome to arrive to day 1 to see if any spots opened.

Q3 Open Course List w/ instructor contact (2-10-25)
Meg French headshot

Meg French

Meg French headshot

Meg is the full time head coach for Men’s and Women’s Swimming and Diving team as well as a Physical Education and Wellness Instructor at MIT. Known for her expertise in the water, Meg has been teaching beginner swim classes at MIT since 2019. However, she has been teaching a wide range of aquatic Physical Education courses including lifeguard training, water safety instructor training, beginner swimming and advanced level swimming since she started her graduate degree at Springfield College. While attending Springfield College, Meg received her Undergraduate Degree in Applied Sociology and Graduate Degree in Social Work. Outside of MIT, Meg enjoys running, swimming, and hiking. She loves interacting with the students at MIT by learning more about their academics and extracurricular pursuits. She thrives off the level of energy and dedication both students and student-athletes bring to the pool deck every day.

Fun Facts

What is a unique fact about you?

I have run the Boston Marathon 3 times

What is your spirit animal?

A dolphin or whale

Describe your favorite vacation?

Driving up the coast of California through Big Sur

If your future self could give you one piece of advice, what would it be?

Stop and smell the roses

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