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Missed registration or want to add a 2nd class?

Please check the Open Course List located under the Quarterly Schedule section to see what courses still have openings. Contact the instructor directly to be added before day 1. If a course is not listed there is no space available but you are welcome to arrive to day 1 to see if any spots opened.

Q3 Open Course List w/ instructor contact (2-10-25)

Matt Lindblad


Matt Lindblad came to MIT in 2006 as a Physical Education Instructor for sailing and swimming and Head Coach of the Varsity Sailing program. Prior to his arrival at the institute, he had already been teaching and coaching sailing since 1999. Lindblad studied psychology with a focus on brain and behavior and neuroscience at St. Mary’s College of Maryland while competing at sailing. He continues to sail, especially trips to the British Virgin Islands and down-east Maine with family and friends. Matt’s favorite thing about teaching at MIT is when the students are excited to learn new skills and activities.

Fun Facts

Favorite thing about teaching at MIT

Students are excited to learn new skills and activities

Favorite extracurricular

Teaching my daughter things like swimming and sailing and just making those activities fun!

Favorite place

Mystic Seaport Museum where I worked as a kid and discovered much about my passion for sailing and maritime history.

Hidden Talent

Great at quick math

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