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Missed registration or want to add a 2nd class?

Please check the Open Course List located under the Quarterly Schedule section to see what courses still have openings. Contact the instructor directly to be added before day 1. If a course is not listed there is no space available but you are welcome to arrive to day 1 to see if any spots opened.

Q3 Open Course List w/ instructor contact (2-10-25)

Dave Hunter

Part-time Specialty Instructor

Dave Hunter started teaching physical education at MIT in 2010, took a brief hiatus in 2013, and returned to teach in Fall 2018. He teaches soccer, golf, skating, and hockey. Dave has coached the MIT men’s club hockey team and at the high school level. He has a BS in Economics from Cornell University and when he is not teaching or coaching works as an insurance broker. In his free time, Dave enjoys hiking, golfing, skating, and travel.

Fun Facts

Favorite thing about teaching at MIT

Enthusiastic students who appreciate the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom.



Favorite Vacation:

A family trip that included visits to Rome, Tuscany, and Venice

Advice from future self

Don’t worry about what the future holds. Enjoy the moment

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