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Missed registration or want to add a 2nd class?

Please check the Open Course List located under the Quarterly Schedule section to see what courses still have openings. Contact the instructor directly to be added before day 1. If a course is not listed there is no space available but you are welcome to arrive to day 1 to see if any spots opened.

Q3 Open Course List w/ instructor contact (2-10-25)

Description of GIR

The Physical Education and Wellness General Institute Requirement states that all students are required to complete a minimum of 8 points and the swim requirement. Students are expected to complete this requirement by the end of their second year.

Students can earn Physical Education & Wellness points through core courses or alternative options such as group exercise classes, personal training sessions, private swim lessons, ROTC or participation in a varsity sport. Transfer students only need to complete 4 points and the swim requirement.

MIT undergraduate students are required to satisfy the swim requirement by taking a swim course or electing to take the swim test during their first year.

MIT Physical Education & Wellness is committed to providing an environment that is accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you cannot access content or use features on our website due to a disability, please let us know.